How to winterize your fridge

How to Winterize an Outdoor Refrigerator - Whether you own vacation property or simply have a patio or deck that features an outdoor refrigerator, it is important to winterize this appliance to prevent severe mold and mildew growth from engulfing the fridge's interior. It is also a waste of electricity to keep an appliance plugged in that is not being used, which creates a higher electricity bill. Perform a few steps to winterize your refrigerator that will keep it in good condition while facing the winter elements.

Remove all food and drink contents from the refrigerator and freezer. This includes any ice and ice packs -- if you need to dispose of ice cubes and water, use both to water the lawn or plants. Turn off the appliance by unplugging all cords or turning off the circuit breaker used to run the refrigerator. Place all cords in a small bag or tie them together with a piece of scrap cloth.

Clean the refrigerator thoroughly. Use soap, water and the appropriate sterile rags and sponges to clean the appliance, or use a white vinegar and water mixture to clean and disinfect the refrigerator. If using vinegar, mix a 1/4 cup of vinegar for every cup of water used, and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Remove all shelving if applicable and soap or spray them down as well. Pour all water out of the unit's drain pan onto the lawn if possible and clean the pan with soap and water or the vinegar. Wipe down and dry the refrigerator with rags or paper towels after it has been cleaned, and prop the fridge door open with a heavy book or other applicable object so the unit can dry thoroughly without the risk of mold growth.

Leave the refrigerator door open to prevent mold and mildew growth. Place an open box of baking soda in the refrigerator to further help combat possible odors. If you are concerned about exposure to the elements, use a synthetic cover that will not hold moisture to protect the appliance, though the door should remain open as much as possible.

Things You Will Need
• Soap
• White vinegar
• Spray bottle
• Clean rags
• Sponges
• Scrap cloth
• Bag
• Paper towels
• Heavy book
• Box of baking soda
• Synthetic cover

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