The CPlug-Extension Adapter Wire Harness (CPlug) is a 3' power adapter cable specifically designed for "New" Cascadia installations where the TruckFridge is being installed onto the OEM provided base plate behind the passenger seat. The CPlug extends the factory supplied "New" Cascadia power connection under the bunk bed on passenger end to the mounting plate behind the passenger seat. The CPlug is approximately 36 inches in length and consists of two (2) 12 gauge wires; Red (positive) and Black (negative). One end terminates in a female double spade connector that connects to the TruckFridge 12V built-in fridge and the other end terminates in a male double spade connector that connects to the "New" Cascadia existing OEM connector under the bunk bed.
The CPlug extends the factory supplied "New" Cascadia power connection under the bunk bed on passenger end to the mounting plate behind the passenger seat.

Connect the male double spade connector end of the CPlug to the "New" Cascadia OEM supplied plug under bunk bed outlet (circled in red) and run to the TruckFridge refrigerator located behind the passenger seat. Lift the bed, unplug the connector from the back of the outlet, plug into the extension cord and run it along the under bunk wall and out at the rear of the platform.